Cigar Culture Festival

Cigar Ambassador Group is committed to promoting cigar culture. The annual Cigar Ambassador Festival, held by us since 2012, has become a landmark gathering for enthusiasts, fostering connections and shared experiences.

Through this activity, Cigar Ambassador Group has contributed to the dissemination and promotion of Chinese cigar culture, and also opened the door to the cigar world for more people, so that more people can appreciate the unique charm of cigars.

2012 China Cigar Festival

2012年10月22、23日,由雪茄客及川渝中烟工业有限责任公司联合主办的首届中国龙雪茄节在成功举办。本次的雪茄节以四大活动为亮点:雪茄国际市场研讨会、影响雪茄口感的十大因素讲座、中国茶艺和雪茄品鉴以及Gala Dinner。雪茄国际市场研讨会期间,来自国内外的烟草专家就《雪茄的今天与明天》进行交流。会中谈到了雪茄工业的历史、文化内涵、雪茄经济和社会影响等多方面的问题。更特邀国际著名的及雪茄专家深入浅出地讲解影响雪茄口感的十大因素。在四川成都举行的中国茶艺&雪茄品鉴活动让雪茄客们领略了中国茶艺文化与雪茄的碰撞..esee:.
