Cigar Dinner 2024
On May 11, 2024, the Year of the Dragon Cigar Dinner kicked off in a way full of ritual and cultural connotations. The dinner was organized by Mr Tyler Duling and sponsored by Cigar Ambassador. The venue for the dinner was Naif Bistro in Shangsheng Shinso, an elegant venue with a pleasant atmosphere.
Many cigar lovers gathered together to enjoy the feast that night. Naif Bistro's chef Rembi, who is also a cigar lover, has prepared a series of exquisite dishes, each of which perfectly matches the aroma of cigars.
To celebrate this special evening, each guest received a Tobacco Queen Robusto Year of the Dragon Special Edition Cigar and a Tobacco Queen Lancero cigar from the Cigar Ambassador. In addition, each guest was also presented with a custom cigar scissors engraved with his name, showing personality and dignity.
To celebrate this special evening, each guest received a Tobacco Queen Robusto Year of the Dragon Special Edition Cigar and a Tobacco Queen Lancero cigar from the Cigar Ambassador. In addition, each guest was also presented with a custom cigar scissors engraved with his name, showing personality and dignity.
This Year of the Dragon Cigar Dinner not only provided an excellent platform for cigar lovers to exchange ideas, but also allowed everyone to spend an unforgettable evening in food and wine. I would like to thank all our guests for their participation and Cigar Ambassador for their support. We look forward to more wonderful events in the future.